Thursday, January 22, 2009

What a Week!!

This has been a week for the record books. We now have a new President. Hopefully, we have some new optimism regarding our economy soon! I am trying to run my business, www.theblueheronstudio, from my home, and keep our antique mall going at the same time. January is a good time for new beginnings and positive outlook. There is something about having 300+ blank pages of days in the new year that makes any project look possible. I find that I am more creative and just "itching" to try out new projects! I am sure that I am not the only one that feels that way, and would love to hear from more creatively challenged people on how to make the day more productive. I never have decided if day or evening works best for me, but I know that I need to be more disciplined to accomplish what I would like to do. Any thoughts?

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